About Anne Yeadon

Spelling Zappers were created by Anne Yeadon, an educationalist who has been a teacher and Senco. She is now an Advisory teacher, experienced in teacher training in literacy and maths. She has also gained qualifications in Dyslexia.

Anne has experimented with many approaches for teaching ‘less exciting’ but fairly crucial areas of the curriculum (spelling, times tables, number bonds, phonics.) Zappers, delivered correctly, have proved to be the most effective way for her and for many schools. They are also relevant for children with specific difficulties, for example dyslexia.

For questions, comments or requests, contact Anne at:

or follow Zappers on social media:

Anne Yeadon, Spelling Zappers creator

Anne Yeadon, Creator of Spelling Zappers

Unique designs created for Spelling Zappers & Times Table Zappers...